


Chongqing Asincan Biotech Co.,Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the company") is a drug research and operation company with strong R & D strength. The company is committed to becoming an excellent and reliable API manufacturer and supplier; the company mainly focuses on the R & D and operation of therapeutic drugs for anemia, especially iron deficiency anemia, and focuses on the medication for diseases of the elderly and gynecological diseases, including cardiovascular, diabetes, cancer, endometriosis and hysteromyoma.



The company mainly focuses on the R & D and operation of drugs for anemia, especially iron deficiency anemia, and focuses on the medication for diseases of the elderly and gynecological diseases...

  • 新闻动态
    Congratulations on the opening of the website of Chongqing Asincan Biotech Co.,Ltd.!
    ChongqingAsincanBiotechCo.,Ltd.(hereinafterreferredtoasthe"Company")isadrugresearchandoperationcompanywithstrongR&Dcapabilities.ThecompanyiscommittedtobecominganexcellentandreliableAPImanufacturerandsupplier;thecompanymainlyfocusesonthedevelopmentandoperationofdrugsforanemia,especiallyirondeficiencyanemia,andalsofocusesonmedicationsformiddle-agedandelderlydiseasesandgynecologicaldiseases,includingheartDrugsforvascular,diabetes,cancer,endometriosisanduterinefibroids.  ThecompanyhascompletedtheprocessresearchofDelafloxacinMeglumine,TedizolidPhosphate,ElagolixSodium,Carfilzomib,Fulvestrant,Palbociclib,Apremilast,TofacitinibCitrite,Apixaban,RivaroxabanandPimavanserin,amongwhichDelafloxacinMeglumine,TedizolidPhosphateandElagolixSodium,Farfilzomib,FulvestrantandApremilastareourstrongproducts,andalargenumberofcustomershavecooperatedwithus.  ThecompanyisdevelopingFerriccarboxymaltose,Ferricmaltol,FerricCitrate,Polysaccharide-IronComplex,IronSucrose,andRoxastat.(Roxadustat)andotheranemiadrugs,thecompanywillstrivetobecomeanexpertinironproducts.  ThecompanyisbasedontheChinesemarket,semi-standardandnon-standardmarkets,andappropriatelyenterstheEuropean,AmericanandJapanesemarkets;thecompanyadoptsflexible,mutuallybeneficial,commondevelopment,andlong-termcooperationmodels.Therearefull-timeemployeesinIndiaresponsibleformarketing,andclosepartnersinBangladesh,Pakistan,Europe,SouthAmerica,NorthAmerica,AfricaandtheMiddleEast.Atthesametime,wewelcomemorepartnerstocooperatewithourcompany.  Thecompany'smainbusinessincludes:  1.SupplyofAPIsandintermediates  2.Contractresearch,technologytransferandservicesforAPIsandpreparations,includingprocessresearch,qualityresearch,consistencyevaluation,etc.  3.Customizedproduction  4.Salesservice
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  • 2020-10-15
    2020 China Cancer Specialty Drug Payment Report released, foresees the development path of medical insurance industry integration
    With the continuous advancement of the "Healthy China 2030" strategy, the multi-level guarantee model is becoming a new trend. How to link all walks of life to jointly help has become the focus of attention of the industry. On September 21, Shanghai Pharmaceuticals, China Re Life, Magnesium Health, and BCG jointly held the "Building a Multi-level Medical Security System Summit Forum-and the 2020 China Cancer Specialty Drug Payment Report Release Conference", and 200 industry elites Discuss together the challenges and opportunities of a multi-level medical security system.
    查看更多 +
  • 2020-10-15
    The Fifth China Pharmaceutical Innovation and Investment Conference held to help pharmaceutical innovation and development
    China News Service, September 30. On September 27, the Fifth China Pharmaceutical Innovation and Investment Conference (hereinafter referred to as the "Venture Investment Conference") was held in Suzhou Industrial Park. This conference is co-sponsored by the China Association for the Promotion of Pharmaceutical Innovation (hereinafter referred to as "China Association for the Promotion of Pharmaceuticals"), China Medical Device Industry Association, Hong Kong Stock Exchange
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  • 2020-10-15
    Overview of the research and development of obesity drugs and market prospects
    Obesity refers to excessive total body fat content and/or increased local content and abnormal distribution. It is a chronic metabolic disease caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Obesity mainly includes three characteristics: increased number of fat cells, imbalance of body fat distribution, and local fat deposition. According to the latest research on BMI trends in all countries around the world measured on the weight and height data of 128.9 million children, adolescents and adults, the prevalence of obesity in most countries around the world has increased between 1975 and 2016.
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09 -28

ChongqingAsincanBiotechCo.,Ltd.(hereinafterreferredtoasthe"Company")isadrugresearchandoperationcompanywithstrongR&Dcapabilities.ThecompanyiscommittedtobecominganexcellentandreliableAPImanufacturerandsupplier;thecompanymainlyfocusesonthedevelopmentandoperationofdrugsforanemia,especiallyirondeficiencyanemia,andalsofocusesonmedicationsformiddle-agedandelderlydiseasesandgynecologicaldiseases,includingheartDrugsforvascular,diabetes,cancer,endometriosisanduterinefibroids.  ThecompanyhascompletedtheprocessresearchofDelafloxacinMeglumine,TedizolidPhosphate,ElagolixSodium,Carfilzomib,Fulvestrant,Palbociclib,Apremilast,TofacitinibCitrite,Apixaban,RivaroxabanandPimavanserin,amongwhichDelafloxacinMeglumine,TedizolidPhosphateandElagolixSodium,Farfilzomib,FulvestrantandApremilastareourstrongproducts,andalargenumberofcustomershavecooperatedwithus.  ThecompanyisdevelopingFerriccarboxymaltose,Ferricmaltol,FerricCitrate,Polysaccharide-IronComplex,IronSucrose,andRoxastat.(Roxadustat)andotheranemiadrugs,thecompanywillstrivetobecomeanexpertinironproducts.  ThecompanyisbasedontheChinesemarket,semi-standardandnon-standardmarkets,andappropriatelyenterstheEuropean,AmericanandJapanesemarkets;thecompanyadoptsflexible,mutuallybeneficial,commondevelopment,andlong-termcooperationmodels.Therearefull-timeemployeesinIndiaresponsibleformarketing,andclosepartnersinBangladesh,Pakistan,Europe,SouthAmerica,NorthAmerica,AfricaandtheMiddleEast.Atthesametime,wewelcomemorepartnerstocooperatewithourcompany.  Thecompany'smainbusinessincludes:  1.SupplyofAPIsandintermediates  2.Contractresearch,technologytransferandservicesforAPIsandpreparations,includingprocessresearch,qualityresearch,consistencyevaluation,etc.  3.Customizedproduction  4.Salesservice


10 -15

With the continuous advancement of the "Healthy China 2030" strategy, the multi-level guarantee model is becoming a new trend. How to link all walks of life to jointly help has become the focus of attention of the industry. On September 21, Shanghai Pharmaceuticals, China Re Life, Magnesium Health, and BCG jointly held the "Building a Multi-level Medical Security System Summit Forum-and the 2020 China Cancer Specialty Drug Payment Report Release Conference", and 200 industry elites Discuss together the challenges and opportunities of a multi-level medical security system.


10 -15

China News Service, September 30. On September 27, the Fifth China Pharmaceutical Innovation and Investment Conference (hereinafter referred to as the "Venture Investment Conference") was held in Suzhou Industrial Park. This conference is co-sponsored by the China Association for the Promotion of Pharmaceutical Innovation (hereinafter referred to as "China Association for the Promotion of Pharmaceuticals"), China Medical Device Industry Association, Hong Kong Stock Exchange


10 -15

Obesity refers to excessive total body fat content and/or increased local content and abnormal distribution. It is a chronic metabolic disease caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Obesity mainly includes three characteristics: increased number of fat cells, imbalance of body fat distribution, and local fat deposition. According to the latest research on BMI trends in all countries around the world measured on the weight and height data of 128.9 million children, adolescents and adults, the prevalence of obesity in most countries around the world has increased between 1975 and 2016.


10 -15

Based on the long-term growth of the pharmaceutical industry, GF Fund will deploy the second actively managed pharmaceutical theme fund on October 13th-GF Pharmaceutical Health Hybrid. The proposed fund manager Wu Xingwu said that the long-term logic of the current round of the pharmaceutical market has not changed. In the long run, in the sub-industries such as the innovative drug industry chain, medical services, and high-end equipment, outstanding companies have room and room to become bigger and stronger. opportunity.

Tel:+86 23 67231349  M:+86 13648401148;


Wechat:+86 13648401148



Chongqing Asincan Biotech Co.,Ltd.

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